A Survival Guide to a PhD

1. 保持高效(Being Productive)

2. 阅读文献(Reading Papers)

  • 读,读,读!
  • 做笔记
  • 深入阅读
  • 拓展阅读宽度/深度

3. 应掌握的技能

  1. Bash configuration (e.g., .bashrc, environment variables, aliases)
  3. Unix basics (e.g., cd, ls, mv, rm, rmdir, man, history, ctrl+r,
  4. ctrl+a, ctrl+e, ctrl+← and ctrl+→, killring vs. clipboard) – see http://freeengineer.org/learnUNIXin10minutes.html for a starting point
  5. Basic bash scripting (e.g., sort, uniq, cut, tr, wc, xargs, find, grep, awk, sed)
  6. ctrl+c, ps aux and grep, kill -9, ctrl+z and bg, fg, top
  7. diff
  8. How to install software locally
  9. Emacs or vi
  10. Eclipse or Intellij
  11. Screen (and why you need it)
  12. Make
  13. Basic R plotting commands
  14. Grid engine (e.g., qsub, qstat, qlogin)
  15. Version control (e.g., git)
  16. How to use a debugger (e.g., jdb)

how_to_be_a_successful_phd_student.pdf (umass.edu)

phd-advice.pdf (ttic.edu)